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What I Ate in Recovery vs How I Eat Now..

Uncategorized Mar 06, 2020

I receive messages asking me to share what I ate in recovery vs what I eat now, post-recovery and how it differs. That is, without the extreme hunger, desire to binge, and without restricting foods, calories or times to eat..

So I made a brief video on what it looks like πŸ™‚


Keep in mind: I like to keep things simple as well as vague with what I eat, when I eat it, etc… why?

Well, because the whole point of breaking free from the diet mentality is for us to stop following what others are eating, and to finally reconnect with our inner intuitive guide. We do this so we can eat what we truly want, despite what others are doing..right?

With that said.. I also know how helpful it is, whilst being in recovery, to watch normal eaters: what they eat and how they can be flexible around eating – from times to eat, what they were eating, and how much or little they ate..

It was motivating to see people get to a point of normalcy around eating – who said they once felt they’d never be able to get away from the feelings of extreme hunger, binging and insatiable hunger..

At one point I felt this would be impossible for me, because I hadn’t felt satiated for so many years; it seemed too far fetched and hard to even fathom a life with that kind of freedom..
But low and behold, after months of letting go completely of all restrictions, rules and external guidelines, and feeding my body consistently, I got to this point I never imagined would be possible…


xx enjoy


Kayla Rose

Holistic Nutritionist

P.S. I’m hosting a free masterclass specifically for people who want to stop feeling obsessed around food and truly heal their metabolism and you’re invited! Click here to sign up.


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