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Will your OVERSHOOT WEIGHT go down soon in ED Recovery??

Wondering about overshoot in diet / ed recovery?

Have you been asking yourself:

  •  How long does overshoot weight last and how long does it take to lose overshoot weight and go down?
  •  Can you permanently raise your set weight point from dieting?
  •  What is overshoot weight and why did I gain so much weight in recovery?
  •  How long does it take for weight to redistribute?
  •  Will I keep gaining and ever stop gaining weight in recovery? Have I gained too much weight?
  •  Why have I gained so much weight after anorexia?
  •  Why am I gaining weight so fast in recovery? Can you gain weight too fast?
  •  How long does it take to be weight restored and to lose overshoot weight and when does overshoot weight go down to achieve your weight set point?
  •  How to lose overshoot weight?

Then you are in the right place! 

I want to have real talk about overshoot weight loss in recovery from chronic dieting, disordered eating, eating disorders, and so forth.

This topic in specific, was inspired from a comment on one of my other post's, "will I become obese" 

First, I want to read you the comment and then address the comment because I don't want my message to be misunderstood to clear things up, so there's no confusion or certain "expectations" about how your recovery will end or how you're going to end up after your recovery.

The comment said the following:

“I don’t think it’s fair to say you won’t stay at a weight you’re uncomfortable at or that you won’t stay obese that’s simply not true, you even said it people raise their set weight point. I’ve always been around 140 lbs and when I stopped dieting I shot up to 170 and I’ve creeped up to 190 in the subsequent years. I’m most definitely not in quasi recovery and have zero faith that I will lose that weight, nor do I care. In general I like your message but sometimes your channel feels misleading and as if you’re saying, if you do this right, you’ll lose weight too. I also think your story might mislead people into thinking they’ll gain and then lose too, like you, when that simply isn’t the case for everyone.”

~Anonymous youtube comment

First I want to acknowledge that I agree with some of these points and I could see how specific videos or thumbnails and my videos can be taken.

I believe this and do try to say this, that not everyone "loses overshoot weight" as they may not "overshoot their weight set point, but gain straight to their weight set point and that's that and so they aren't going to go down or lower their set weight point.

(although, typically, what I see is that people DO overshoot but then go back down to a lower weight, it's just the facts of what happens all the time – and this is where their body seems to feel most comfortable and healthy at)

But also, who am I or anyone else to tell someone that they are or aren't in overshoot weight?

Only their body knows, and I will never kill someones vision, only the person can know whether they should accept overshoot weight or not.

There in lies the main thing one needs to focus on instead: ones mindset AROUND overshoot weight.


You can raise your set-weight point, though not permanently, in which case it is a "temporary overshooting of your weight set point" 

(just as you can dye your hair but you can't change it permanently without consequences) 

...FROM continually restricting yourself and going back and forth between:

→ restricting [therefore further lowering your metabolism]

→ and then binging [as a result from restriction as a cry from the body for a lot of energy]

→ then after you've binged, you feel guilty and shameful.

→ so you go back to restricting,

→ and then you feel so obsessed and out of control around food, or you feel so weak and miserable, and you're sick of restricting and dieting

→ that you then choose recovery again, and you commit and…

....You know this cycle (quasi recovery), as I've talked about many times before...

So those who stay in this restrict-recovery cycle may remain in it for a long time – for months and months or even years and years or often what we see a lot in our culture is stuck their whole life from childhood and forever after.

And this can perpetually cause the person to raise their set point higher and higher as it creeps up and up.

But again, this is a temporary metabolic adaptation process, to the ongoing restrictiveness in the diet, not permanent, once the person enters and completes, a recovery process of the metabolism

(aka what is called diet recovery or I often call restriction recovery).


Because that's what we're taught: that you have to restrict or be on some diet to "maintain your healthiest weight."

Which, all I mean by "maintain your healthiest weight" is "maintain your healthy weight, where your body feels most comfortable at," and of course, that's going to be entirely different for everyone.

Okay so body diversity is real, and some people tend to carry more body fat on them, and there are people that tend to be naturally more "lean" or skinny but not necessarily the leanness that we see all over Instagram, right?

And yes, there might be some people who are naturally skinnier or leaner, but that doesn't mean everyone is or must be like that.

I'm not as lean as I was with abs like I was in my fitness & orthorexic days either, even after losing my overshoot weight.

So even though I ended up losing some of my overshoot, it doesn't mean that I'm back to where I was when I was dieting, strict clean eating, restricting or over-exercising.

No, I'm over that mark still, BUT I'm completely happy and feel good about that because I'm FREE and I feel good about where my body is at..

..and the hopes are that you can reach this place too, mentally and physically!

To recap:

yes, people may raise their set weight point from restrictive eating and energy deficits...

...but that does not mean it’s permanent for everyone, in which this case, they are in "temporary overshoot weight"...

...IF their body doesn’t want to be at that higher weight.

The only way to know if that will naturally happen is to see where your body goes after months and years of letting go of all restrictions and over exercising and living intuitively and satisfied, and seeing where your body naturally gravitates towards.




...Even from the people who didn't think they could go through their recovery or begin to accept and even love themselves: it IS possible!



Alright, so back to the commenter - I agree with the place the commenter was at – where she was saying she "overshot" or is at a higher weight than her pre-ED-weight in the dieting or in restricting.

So she's overshot that malnourished/starved weight, and she doesn't feel like her body is meant to have less weight on her frame.

Whether that's true or not, the future will tell if that's where her body wants to reside at and if it does, then yeah, that's entirely normal for her.

However, that doesn't mean that's for everyone and vise versa.

Moreover, that's the best place to be mentally that you completely accept that and have love and respect for yourself and your body, that's huge!

Because a lot of what full recovery is, both mental and metabolic.

Full recovery and freedom is getting to a place of being able to say: 

“I am where I am, and I’m working to accept where I am RIGHT NOW, and I’m working to continue to live my life and find my value beyond my body - RIGHT NOW.

I’m going to keep living my life, whatever that looks like for me, whether to follow this passion or follow this hobby or do this certain thing in life and feed my body to satisfaction..

I’m going to continue to do that RIGHT NOW, in my recovery – wherever I’m at, whatever body I’m in, whatever my body looks like RIGHT NOW and I’m gonna keep doing that because I honor my body and mental health and I accept where I am and I feel the healthiest that I have and I’ve gotten so much health, peace of mind and freedom in return in recovery thus far."

That mindset is crucial in recovery.

You have to have the willingness let go of the thought of ever losing any weight IF it's for your highest good and healthiest self.

I believe that's why my recovery went the way it did.I'm not saying everyone's recovery is going to go like mine.

Not everyone's recovery is going to go like Joe's or Sue's.

Everyone is different.

This is not a one-size-fits-all, cookie-cutter kind of approach.

Instead, recovery is about listening to your body, following your body and your truth and allowing your body's wisdom to guide you, being okay with that, and accepting wherever the body takes you and wherever the body wants to be to be your healthiest (hormonally, metabolically, mentally, and so forth).




Everything may adjust and fluctuate, which is expected in life, so I am NOT attached to this body that I'm at right now because it's bound to change in the future.

I've talked about this in the past as well, it could vary from a life crisis, from a life shift, or just the natural aging process, and that's completely normal.

We should embrace that and accept that in our culture.

It's maybe more challenging for some people to accept that because they want to hold on to that youth or find the Fountain of Youth, but you're just fighting biology.

You're just fighting life.

Aging – that's a beautiful process that we should not shame or look down upon women older than me that carry themselves well, they're doing what I want to do, I look up to them, I have so much respect for them.

Yeah, maybe their body doesn't look like a 20-year-old or someone in their 20s or 30s, but who freaking cares.

They are beautiful.

It's not just about the body, and I don't admire them for their body.

I admire them for who they are and what they bring into this world.

We can find a lot of beauty, inspiration, love and respect in people of all ages outside of how their body looks.

I hope that this is all making sense.


The main point of all of this: I hope no one's comparing their recovery to mine or someone else's channel on YouTube, or Blog, of how the other recovered coaches, dietitians  influencers, etc.

We're all so different, and we can't promise anyone anything.

We can't say a timeline of when certain things are going to happen.

We can't know if and when the body is going to lose overshoot.



A crucial part of mental recovery is to get to the point of:

- if your body is in "overshoot," it's shifting the mindset away from the negativity around overshoot...

...and to reframe that mindset and that belief and think:

"Okay, if my body is at a higher weight right now, then that means it very well needs to be for whatever reason.

If my body has taken me here after years of restricting, dieting and deprivation and perhaps purging and over-exercising and my body has gained this much weight as a result from following the extreme hunger and from resting from exercise, from taking time for myself and listening to my body and honoring my body

– then this is where my body wants and needs to be right now. I can't live solely for the future.

I can't be constantly perseverating on: "if I am in overshoot and when am I going to lose the overshoot and I hope that my recovery goes like so-and-so's and if I hold out this much longer, then perhaps the weight will go away and then I'll be okay"

– these kinds of mindsets towards recovery, that's the wrong kind of mindset and can resist/block that which you want to happen.

In this sense, you're still in the weight loss diet-y type mindsets as you were when you were dieting or restricting.

Recovery becomes another means-to-an-end, and you're only recovering to get it over with, heal the metabolism and get back to a lower weight again, which then you'll finally be happy...

See what I mean?

But, unfortunately, you're not changing the underlying mindsets, beliefs, and insecurities that got you into this mess in the first place.

Which the mind will continue to affect the metabolism, the exact thing you don't want to happen.






These types of negative mindsets toward your body can keep you stuck in this quasi recovery for so long because you're not changing the mentality in recovery.

You're only physically recovering at this point, and you're not mentally recovering.

Remember, mental recovery is changing these subconscious beliefs / programming that we have acquired that say:

  • our body needs to be a certain way that is not naturally or healthfully designed to be
  • that your body needs to be somewhere else, rather than where the body is RIGHT NOW for healing and restoring
  • thinking that this process needs to happen instantly and be a quick fix (like a diet),
  • or thinking "I don't like the way my body looks right now so I need to speed things up" or "I hope that it happens on my timeline as it should happen like this"

because we're all so used to structure and plans and mindsets like "you can lose a pound a week in blah blah blah," these are the wrong ways to approach life and health.

The goal: letting those things go.

Which I know, can often make us go like buzzurk and to be like, "okay, I have to let things flow and surrender. I just have to go with the flow wherever my body takes me, wherever my hunger takes me, I have to follow that, and it's outside of my strict regimes or routines."

That can sound like a foreign language.

And it is, it's a relearning process!

And yes, I can acknowledge some of us do better off of routines.

But, still, at the same time, if the routine causes fear, anxiety or stress if you deviate from it, then it's not healthy for you you.

You should challenge that a little bit deeper and go outside of the routine.

If it causes anxiety and fear still to go outside of a particular routine or regime, then that should be challenged until you can have the routine without fear or anxiety if you go "off routine."

Because I'm all about routines, I like my morning routine, getting up and having some water and then having my coffee and creamer and then sitting and chilling and drinking my coffee and looking outside, stretching, reading, journaling, whatever I pick from the menu that day..

But, still, if I was in a situation where I was traveling, or I was in a hurry, and that routine couldn't happen, then whatever, I'm not going to have a panic attack anymore because I didn't do my routine in a specific way.

If I woke up one day and I was closer to my period, and I felt a little more bloated, or if I had a bit of those hormone pimples, or I felt extra hungry and it caused me to go outside of a particular routine, or my body looks a bit different, or my hunger and satiety looks a little bit different... so what!

It's the ebb and flow of every month and the cycles.


So again, I want to get the point across that wherever you are right now:

πŸ‘‰ if you've come from a past restriction around food (ie skipping meals, cutting macros/calories, cutting carbs, orthorexia, bulimia, or just a strict clean eating dieter, and so forth)

πŸ‘‰ and now you're following your body, you're following your hunger (or maybe you're having to force your meals because you don't even have hunger signals anymore after dieting for so long),

πŸ‘‰ and your body has overshot in weight or your body's just gained a lot of weight and that's where you're at right now and your body will not budge or your body is still gaining even if you have been constantly feeding yourself and resting or maybe the extreme hunger has died down but perhaps you're still gaining

πŸ‘‰ then it's time to have the willingness to let go of the guilt, the fear, the attempts at control, the constant feelings of the future and what the future holds or how things are going to pan out or where you're gonna end up after recovery...

πŸ‘‰ and just let go and BE.

This is an essential lesson of recovery, the breakdown of the ego and the breakdown of that old false facade of an identity based around your body looking a certain way.

The lesson is: finding your value, true identity, who you are, what you have to offer this world, and all your strengths and gifts, that have nothing to do with your way of eating or  body.

So if you're not trying to find that within yourself, and recovery has only been a  "physical" experience for you, I challenge you to start doing that now.

Begin to shift and neurally rewire these limiting beliefs and mindsets that are hurting your recovery or prolonging your healing.

These mindsets keep you stuck and in this state of fear, guilt, insecurity, not enough-ness, trying to control things.

The beliefs that leave you feeling that your recovery is wrong if your overshoot doesn't go down, or you're because you're 'still' at a certain point even at a year or even two or three years since beginning your recovery and you're not where you think your body "should" be..

Stop "should-ing" on yourself.

"my body "should" be or my body "should" look like or this overshoot "should" come off by now..."



I had to get to that point where I was like, you know what, I went from 90 pounds to 190 pounds, a hundred pounds of weight gain within my recovery...

I was trying to fight the process and prevent the overshoot weight, and I was going back and forth in quasi recovery.

...and eventually getting to that point of being like, whatever, I'm exhausted, I'm done fighting my body and just STOP perseverating on the thoughts of: maybe my body will release this weight gain or this weight gain is terrible, I need to get this off ASAP, or no one's going to like me, I'm not attractive…


Sound familiar?

I had to go up against those mindsets and those beliefs that I'd been telling myself for so long and challenge those.

Finally, I was able to get to a place of acceptance.

With the mindset shift of:

"okay, you know what, I am ready and willing to be at this weight forever if I need to be because I've gotten so much health, life, opportunity, vigor, and joy back in my life in return that I would take this body with extra body fat then going back to being sick and malnourished and miserable but at a lower body fat.."




And once I surrendered into that place, it just so happened that in my recovery, my body led me to where I am today, and my body released over 25 pounds of "overshoot" weight.

But in the future, if something happens and my body wants to look different or change, then whatever, that's still where I'm at.

No dieting, or overtraining, ever again!

No thanks!

Not an option!!



I repeat: If the end product comes from forcing weight loss, that's where it's not natural and healthy.

If the end product comes well after you've already accepted your body and where it's at, and you continue to live your life, then great, but you're not attached to it, and you can think, "okay well, this is me again, I'm identifying with how my body looks again.."

No, you are not your body, and your worth is unattached to your body.


This is also accepting the process that the body ebbs and flows throughout life, and that's okay and know:

you're not lazy,

you're not weak,

you're not a glutton,

you're not a wrong person,

you're not a shameful person…

you're the opposite!

You are so strong!

Recovery takes a powerful individual to go up against the grain, to go up against pretty much everything that everyone has been taught about our bodies and dieting and exercise..

...that takes a freakin' strong person.

I'm proud of you!!

And real recovery and transformation isn't about recovering for a year or two and then getting back to an old body type..
Real recovery is about accepting and finding yourself again and being okay with where you are RIGHT NOW.




One more thing to address in the question..

she mentioned: "your message may feel misleading like you are saying if you do this "right," you'll lose weight too."

So I can't entirely agree with this because I don't think there's a "right" way to recovery.

If you are:

  • eating to fullness,
  • you are following your hunger cues,
  • and when your satiety cues return, you're following your satiety.
  • When you are resting, when your body is asking for rest, (maybe you're in pain, you're swelling, you're achy all over head to toe, you have that nine-month pregnant belly, your joints hurt, and your body's gaining weight and you're not suppressing it).

Then you're not doing recovery wrong.

That's recovery.

Some people need guidance, and that's what my coaching program is for, to lay out the process step-by-step with tools and complete guidance from beginning to end, but for the most part, that's recovery.

And you're not going to do recovery wrong.

Recovery is all about finding your own balance – where your body feels most comfortable, and maybe that's not in line with your "mind's desires" of where you think your body "should" be and reside..

Only your body can tell you where that's going to be.

But if you think that you're doing recovery wrong because your recovery is not falling in the same timeline or the same sequence as other people's, as mine or as the other recovery coaches..

or your body is not looking similar, or you haven't lost the overshoot or the extreme hunger hasn't gone away yet, or you haven't gotten your period back even after a year...

...well, you're not doing recovery wrong if you're following all those things I mentioned above.

Eat, rest, eat, rest and neurally rewire and change those limiting beliefs.

The physical recovery and mental recovery are both needed simultaneously.

One is not more or less critical.

It would be best if you had both.

And one other thing she mentioned was, "it's not fair to say you won't stay at a weight you're uncomfortable at or that you won't stay obese."

Well, just because the mind is uncomfortable in a specific body or if you may feel uncomfortable physically because you've been in a smaller body for years and years, perhaps your whole life, then yeah, any change will be uncomfortable, so that's not to say that it's wrong, though, because often the most growth comes from outside of our comfort zone.

Growth and change do not come from just staying comfortable.

That's what causes a lot of the problems and suffering is the attachment to that comfort zone.

Again it's realigning the mental and the physical.

That can come into balance and homeostasis with time and your constant, consistent effort to accept where you are right now and challenge all of these feelings and beliefs that you tell yourself..


So what are you telling yourself daily?

What do you tell yourself when you're going to eat that off-limit food?

What are you telling yourself when you look in the mirror?

What are you telling yourself when you don't go to the gym?

What do you tell yourself when you're resting and maybe you're feeling guilty that you should be doing more..?

What are you telling yourself and THEN get underneath that thought..

...get to the root of that

...what are the feelings that come up?

Not good enough? That you are lazy? Is it sadness? Is it hurt?

Where are these feelings coming from?

Where did these mindsets and beliefs develop?

And then unlearning all of these false beliefs and perspectives that you learned as a kid {out of ignorance} but now you have the awareness, and now you can change those.

It doesn't make it easy, but it is doable, so it's your time now to parent yourself through this.

You have to be your parent or be your coach at those times when you're not watching videos, reading recovery blogs, or getting guidance from a coach or therapist.

At those times, what are you going to do?

I would recommend stepping into those uncomfortable feelings and feeling them and not trying to overthink them and overanalyze them.

Without acceptance, you're going to have along with the life of fighting yourself, constantly fighting your body, and now recovery turns into something that you're doing "wrong," just like in the diet mindsets where you did the diets wrong..

Recovery is not another thing to shame yourself for, that you're doing it wrong and that your body is mistaken for where it wants to be.

Just know that you are good enough as you are right now no matter who told you that you're not at whatever point in your life, and then you took that on as your own belief that you continue now to say to yourself.

It's just not true.

You're so much better than that.

You have so much more to offer this world.

I hope that you can reconnect with your true self.

You're on the right path.

You're not doing recovery wrong.





Even from the people who didn't think they could go through their recovery or begin to accept and even love themselves: it IS possible!

xx Kayla Rose

P.S. I have a unique complimentary resource that maps out How to Stop Feeling Obsessed With Your Weight, click here to get your copy!


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